Monthly update

February 2024

Sensible stuff, no quick fixes

Dear colleague

Here are some links that I hope you find helpful:

The Teachers' Collection is now live! It has plenty of lovely resources to support the primary curriculum:

  • Book suggestions to support the national curriculum

  • Draft plans and vocabulary lists

  • The Primary Subject Networks on Myatt & Co

  • Knowledge Bites: short explainers to help with subject knowledge

  • The Primary Curriculum Booster course from Huh Academy

  • Monthly live check-ins with me and Rachel Higginson

You can watch the headlines of the research underpinning this work here and the introductory webinar here.

We are delighted to be hosting Leading the Diverse Curriculum which has been developed by Hannah Wilson and Bennie Kara, co-founders of Diverse Educators.

I had a great conversation with Bennie and Hannah about their reasons for developing the programme, the benefits of offering a self-paced CPD models with live check-ins and how they support colleagues to dive deep into this important work.

You can watch our conversation here.

DiverseEd’s next in person event is in Wolverhampton on Saturday 6th July and the dates for their virtual events in the spring and summer can be found here.

Some insights from Sam Crome about leadership: ‘Personally, I became disillusioned by several leadership courses that obsessed over my role as an individual. What was my leadership style? Which traits to do I have that make me a credible leader? What I really wanted was to know the evidence behind group dynamics.’

‘After all, the group works together to get things done. I wanted to know more about how that can happen to both foster connection and relatedness, but also to aid team effectiveness, team development, team expertise, etc.’

That's why Sam began researching high-performing groups and has written The Power of Teams: How to create and lead thriving school teams and with Lekha Sharma has created an important course for Huh Academy on building great teams in schools.

You can watch my conversation with Lekha and Sam here.

More courses on the curriculum and leaders from the Huh Academy here. They are self-paced with live check-ins.

Abigail Gray from SEN Works has an excellent online course for teaching assistants - The Effective Teaching Assistant online course.

Here are a wide range of events, many of them free to access from the East London Research School.

From the Primary Curriculum Knowledge: ‘Exploring the wider primary curriculum’ for governors, online and free on Thursday 14th March at 7pm.

Complete Maths are offering tailored CPD sessions for MATs, enhancing maths education across trusts. Saturday 16th March 2024 08:30 – 16:30 at Yate Academy, Bristol. Booking and more info here.

If you think there’s someone who would appreciate this update, you can forward the link here.

Until next time
